Diffractive deep inelastic scattering at NLO in the dipole picture: the qqg contribution
We calculate [1] the contribution from the state production to the diffractive cross sections in deep inelastic scattering [2,3] at high energy. The obtained cross section is finite by itself and a part of the full next-to-leading order result for the diffractive structure functions. We perform the calculation in exact kinematics in the eikonal limit, and show that the previously known high-Q^2 [2] and large-M_x^2 [4] results for the structure functions can be extracted from our results in the appropriate limits. We furthermore discuss the steps required to obtain the full next-to-leading order results for the structure functions in the Color Glass Condensate formalism, and ongoing application of these results to phenomenology.
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[3] H. Kowalski, T. Lappi, C. Marquet, R. Venugopalan, Phys.Rev.C 78 (2008)045201
[4] Y. V. Kovchegov, E. Levin, Nucl. Phys. B 577 (2000) 221
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