One-loop corrections to light cone wave functions: the dipole picture DIS cross section

Published in Annals Phys. 393, 358-412, 2017

Abstract: We develop methods to perform loop calculations in light cone perturbation theory using a helicity basis, refining the method introduced in our earlier work. In particular this includes implementing a consistent way to contract the four-dimensional tensor structures from the helicity vectors with d -dimensional tensors arising from loop integrals, in a way that can be fully automatized. We demonstrate this explicitly by calculating the one-loop correction to the virtual photon to quark–antiquark dipole light cone wave function. This allows us to calculate the deep inelastic scattering cross section in the dipole formalism to next-to-leading order accuracy. Our results, obtained using the four dimensional helicity scheme, agree with the recent calculation by Beuf using conventional dimensional regularization, confirming the regularization scheme independence of this cross section.

Recommended citation: H. Hänninen, T. Lappi, R. Paatelainen. (2018). "Annals of Physics" Volume 393 358-412.
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